Habits – Character and Intuition: Secrets of Significant Business Growth

In my 25 years of coaching business owners and CEOs on igniting business growth I have discovered a set of deeply hidden factors. Let’s call them, secrets of visionaries, because they are just not that obvious. Are they natural and innate for some people? Yes. Can they be developed and strengthened? Absolutely, and I will get to that.

I noticed that those business leaders who were able to grow their companies the fastest and sustainably achieve adding zeros to their revenue, had several key skills and qualities in common. These individuals were conscious of themselves, yup self-awareness is the start. They were able to consciously build habits both in themselves and in their company’s personnel. First in themselves and then outward into the executive team and then deeper into the company. Let’s say, habits are an efficiency mechanism that humans have developed over the eons of our existence.

Habits Save Energy

Habits allow us to make instant decisions in urgent situations. This conserves our mental energy and our time. What we do have to become aware of is the mass of habits that compose us and run our lives automatically.  First, the ones that result in events and circumstances we want. More importantly, the habits that bring us the events and results we do NOT want.

Think about the parts of your life and business that don’t work. These patterns are built on conscious and unconscious habits, past decisions, that have negative outcomes. If you accept the idea that your life circumstances and events are ENTIRELY your responsibility, then you can be in charge of the fun you have and the delight you get to experience. Become aware of and removing the habits of self-destruction is an excellent first step.

Concurrently learning about the constructive habits you have, and can build is also, don’t you think, a great idea. What do you say yes to and what do you say no to? Those choices are yours alone. No one else gets to or can make those choices. You can’t delegate pushups and get the benefits. Same here.

Make A List

I kept track of all the things in my business and life that didn’t work. Yup, I listed them in black and white. Then I built out a list of the opposite results and habits I wanted. Then I started building, habit number two, my commitment to be rid of them and BE the habits that would give me what I wanted in my business and my life.

I found a continuum that included every aspect of myself. No segmenting barriers in my subconscious would hold a bad habit out of my business, finances, life, or health. Lying? Yup, no barrier. Awareness and self-honesty were the start of that intense adventure. Just about as painful as you can imagine. I realized I was responsible for everything in my world. No sluffing, avoiding, ducking, blaming, criticizing, whining, etc. moved the needle in the positive direction a single bit. RATS. How about you?

If it had emotional impact on and in me, I was in the driver’s seat, ALL the time. Waking, sleeping, dreaming. I discovered that Yoda was dead flat accurate. “There is no try, either do or do not.” CHOICE. Habits are who we are, even our character is a mass of habits. Can we change that? Yes! Do most of us not bother? Unfortunately, no. When was the last time you blamed someone or something for a painful circumstance?

The Punch Line

Here’s the punch line. If you want to add a zero to your company revenue, commit to self-awareness and start listing the rotten side of business and life and get very real. Go have a conversation with each person who thinks you stink and keep writing down more in your list of counterproductive habits.

Then get brave and write out who you think you need to be to have what you want to achieve. What habits, character traits and insights do you need? Which ones does your company need?

Do you realize that every failure or success you have is a result of a set of habits? To achieve the revenue growth you really want, you must identify and choose to unlearn habits that have created your current situation and commit to learning their opposites.

Then consider a form of meditation to learn to be calm in all situations and more self-aware. This is part of learning to listen to the little quiet voice of your intuition. The only true guide for significant business growth.

Your company can’t outgrow your limitations. Now it’s your turn.